Guías de Viaje
Entrada castillo de San Antonio
Estatua a la entrada de Cumaná
Castillo de San Antonio
Iglesia de Santa Inés y vista a la ciudad
La playa de Cumaná
Campo de golf en el hotel Venetur Cumaná
Anochecer en Cumaná


Statue at the city entrance in Cumana
Statue at the city entrance

View of the cathedral and city in Cumana
View of the cathedral and city

Cumana has the honor of being the first city in the American continent founded by the Spanish, back in 1521, under the comand of Gonzalo de Ocampo. Its name, in the language of the Cumanagoto native tribe, means the union between the see and the river.

Even if the city was founded officially in 1521, since 1515 the Franciscan missionaries were present since 1521.

Monument to the Indian and missionary in Cumana
Monument to the Indian and missionary

Monument in Cumana

Cumana is located at the end of the river Manzanares. It is a flat city, dominated by a hill with a castle, where you have a beautiful view of the whole city and the gulf of Cariaco, that separates the peninsula of Araya from the rest of the country.

Statue of Sucre, one of Venezuela's major hero in Cumana
Statue of Sucre, one of Venezuela's major hero

Park by the river Manzanares in Cumana
Park by the river Manzanares

Cumana is where one of the most important Venezuelans, Antonio Jose de Sucre, was born. Sucre won the battle of Ayacucho, which consolidated the independence of the South America from Spain. Sucre was also the first president of Bolivia.

Museum Antonio José de Sucre

The museum in Cumana
The museum

Internal patio of the museum in Cumana
Internal patio

In this museum, you can appreciate many paintings and objects of the 19th century, that will remind this great independence hero.

Peace signature after Ayacucho in Cumana
Peace signature after Ayacucho

A museum guide
A museum guide

Cumana's Churches

Santa Inés
Santa Inés

Santa Ines front in Cumana
Santa Ines front

One of the most beautiful churches in Cumana, is Santa Ines, just below the hill where the castle is located. By its side you find the remaining parts of a house destroyed by an earthquake in 1929. Another important church is the cathedral, located downtown, by the Bolivar Square.

Old house in Cumana
Old house

Cathedral in Cumana


One of Cumana's most important attraction is, with no doubt, the castle from where you can see the whole city and the gulf of Cariaco. Today the castle is far from the sea, which doesn't seem very logical, given that castles were built to protect the city from enemy ships. The explanation is that the sea has retreated, and what is today the newest part of the city, used to be under the sea, in the past centuries.

Cumana castle

Cumana castle

More pictures of the castle

Espacio Publicitario

Fin Espacio Publicitario

Espacio Publicitario

Historia y Personajes
Néstor Isaías Chávez
Nestor Isaias Chávez Silva, nació en Chacao, estado Miranda el 6 de Julio de 1.947, hijo de Carmen y Sebastián y el segundo de 8 Hermanos. Comenzó su actividad como pelotero aficionado con el equipo Los Celis, liderado por su gran amigo Darío Celis, divis
Sopa de cebollin
Con el cebollin podemos hacer muchas preparaciones, lo usamos para aliñar y aromatizar muchos platos, hoy lo presento como el anfitrión de una sopa deliciosa y creativa ideal para comenzar un menú de altura.
Geografía y Naturaleza
El Samán
El samán es un arbol comunmente llamado el arbol de lluvia. Esto se debe a que cada vez que va a llover y el cielo se oscurece. Otros de sus nombres mas comunes son mimosa saman, samanea saman, Carabalí, Urero, Cenicero y cientificamente Samán Pithecellob
El joropo
El joropo es una forma tradicional de música y baile que identifica plenamente al venezolano. Antiguamente “joropo” se refería a una fiesta y con el pasar del tiempo se identifica más bien como una forma de música y baile.

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